Plan Your Ride
1623 km, One Way, Flat, Hard, Remote, Sealed/Unsealed
This ride takes you from Alice Springs To Darwin via the Stuart highway and beautiful Northern Territory National Parks. In outback terms, the Stuart Highway is well-provisioned.
Villages and quirky roadhouses (some with traffic lights and alien sightings!) are spaced every 100 – 150 kilometres, and rest areas every 70-100 kilometres allowing weary cyclists to cower in their shade.

What we Love
farOut rider Josiah says, “The Australian Outback holds notoriety as a barren and hostile place. This reputation is almost completely spot on. But don’t let that fool you into thinking cycling across it would be dull. The earth painted rust-red, the giant termite mounds and the colossal road trains which shake the world as they thunder past. I had worried about this initial fervour wearing off, but I never grew tired of the outback.” See the Devil’s Marbles, Gorges, Rock art and plunge into crystal clear waterholes under spring-fed waterfalls.

What to Look out For
Take care on this ride to watch out for the Road Trains and more importantly the caravaners. Dress brightly as the hot sun makes black hard to see.
Cycle in Autumn and Spring – winter can be busy with grey nomads travelling around Australia. Summer is too hot.