Plan Your Ride
1180km, One Way, Medium, Flat/Hilly, Unsealed/sealed.
Start at Brisbane Airport and finish at the stunning Sydney Opera House. Don’t have enough time for the whole journey? Then split the trip. We have mapped this ride in easy access steps so you can choose the sector you want to ride

What we Love
Ride from Brisbane Airport to the Sydney Opera House via beautiful, deserted beaches, pristine lakes, rainforests, cattle country, big rivers, huge views, ferries and holiday villages full of fun stuff.
This ride suits winter as the weather is clear and the beaches are largely empty

What to Look out For
Cycling out of Brisbane is safe but a little industrial. Instead take the train to the Gold Coast to start.
Always swim between the flags.
Winter is a perfect time to ride. Avoid holidays.
Cycling into Sydney can be busy. Instead cycle around beautiful Lake Tuggerah and catch the train.