NEW Electric Bikes for all of our tours in Victoria. Never worry about hills again, glide along and just enjoy! An additional fee will apply. Not yet in NSW.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Pauline Shilton
    July 7, 2019 6:36 pm

    We are considering doing the 6-day Coastal Escape in NSW in February 2020 and as we ride e-bikes at home in NZ we would need to know if you would have e-bikes available for that ride by then.

    • splashadmin
      July 9, 2019 12:46 am

      Hi Pauline we definitely do have E Bikes for our NSW Tours including Coastal Escape. They are fun to ride and make the journey enjoyable for everyone. We look forward to seeing you! Angela

  • Do you do tours on the Munda Biddi in West Australia

    • Hi Jean,

      Sorry for my slow reply.

      We don’t do tours in Western Australia. Only in Victoria at present due to the rolling shutdowns.

      We do have the Mundabiddi on our Cyclewayz App. Using eth app you can plan and navigate the tour for yourselves.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

      Thanks Again



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